If I stop the misbehavior

In New Jersey, she was worth it, damn the fucking GPS.

Window open, hair blowing, all I really see is ass.

When in doubt, cut your losses, get your head into the game.

Wounded, hurting, scarred and damaged, yet somehow still untamed.

Always breaking and destroying, then rebuilding it from scratch,

Oh, so often it’s annoying, but the lessons never latch.

There is cost to every motion, all desire, every wish,

Start commotion, to the wire, freedom’s always so delish.

Broken glass of past transgressions cuts your fingers still the same.

Don’t move on, but learn the lessons, then return to your untamed.

Ringing sound of resistance motivates, but offers grief,

But I can not float in river, all I got is my belief.

If I stop the misbehavior, if accept the status quo,

Might as well just get a casket and climb in to 6 below.

Might as well restart the process, but I like the way I am,

Nevermind the cost and losses, I don’t really give a damn. 
