Believe in love and open heart

Believe in love and open heart. Believe, that you are truly worth it.

Believe, that every step in life has been created to be perfect.

It serves a purpose. How sad, that pain will never lead to pleasure.

It isn’t odd, or wrong, or bad, as life itself in fact is treasured.

Your pain, your hurt, your past, your loss will not define the second chapter.

I know you’re scared, but of course, I am your savior, not your captor.

I wasn’t put on earth for you, but then again, you never know.

Just know, pushing me away does not allow us to grow.

You walk your path and it’s OK. Just be aware, it’s rather lonely,

Unless you let me walk in sync, you will become the one and only.

Tomorrow isn’t bringing peace, unless we build it, and together.

And peace is fragile, moody, naught, and reminiscent of the weather.

Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Marx were all instructive, even caring

Explaining how to live your life, but never ever mentioned pairing.

Two strangers meet and fall in love, creating something out of nothing.

No eagle, stark, or gentle dove, but Eros always triumphs pathos.

Remember that and travel forth, recall the reason that you started.

Accept your luck, drop back and forth. Expose your thoughts. Be openhearted.



